Our drop off points will open on 1st November 2024 and will close at the end of 8th December 2024. Unfortunately, we can not accept donations to drop off points after 8th December 2024 and we are not able to allow members of the public to drop off donations at our warehouse. Our Amazon Wishlists will remain open until the end of 8th December 2024. We have around 60 drop off points across Fife. We also accept cash donations and donations purchased via one of our two Amazon Wishlists.
Donating via one of our two Amazon Wishlists:
This year we will be running two Amazon Wishlists; one for general gifts and one for special requests.
If you are buying items from both wishlists at the same time, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE click "Shipping to more than one address?" as you go through the checkout, and ensure that you select the Generic address for items you have chosen from the Generic Wishlist and the Special Requests address for items you have chosen from the Special Requests wishlist. Please DO NOT get items from either list shipped to your home address and then drop them off at a drop off point.
You can view our General Amazon Wishlist HERE! Using this Amazon Wishlist allows us to target the age groups which we find it hardest to fulfil requests for donations for i.e. 1-2 years, 9-11 years and teenagers. It also allows us to include specialist items such as sensory toys, which we receive a significant number of requests for..
You can view our Special Requests Amazon Wishlist HERE! This Amazon Wishlist contains gifts which are for specific, named children, for whom a generic gift bag would not be suitable. This may be because the child/young person has additional support needs, a disability or a particularly unique hobby or interest. It is likely that we will only list one of each of these items, as each item is required for only one child. Therefore once the item has been purchased, it will disappear from the list.
Making a Cash Donation
All cash donations which we receive are spent entirely on toys and gifts for children and young people in need across Fife. If you wish to make a cash donation please drop us an email to fifegiftofchristmas@gmail.com and we will provide you with our bank details so you can make a cash donation.
Donating via a Drop Off Point
At our drop off points, we will be accepting donations for children and young people aged 0-18 years, of gift bags containing presents for any of the following age groups. We are also happy to accept donations of individual gifts which we can use to make up additional gift bags / give as single gifts: -
Girl 0-6 months
Girl 6-12 months
Girl 1-2 years
Girl 3-5 years
Girl 6-8 years
Girl 9-11 years
Girl 12-15 years
Girl 16+ years
Boy 0-6 months
Boy 6-12 months
Boy 1-2 years
Boy 3-5 years
Boy 6-8 years
Boy 9-11 years
Boy 12-15 years
Boy 16+ years
If your donation contains sensory items, please also label it as 'sensory'. We also accept donations labelled 'Mum' or 'Dad', for example, if people wish to make such donations, but we do not specifically ask for these. If you have leftover 'mixed age/gender' donations, which aren't enough to make up a bag - please pop them in a bag labelled 'Mixed Age' and we will use them to add to other bags.
If possible all gift bags should be labelled by sticking a large piece of white paper to the side of them and clearly writing which age / gender category the are for, from the list above. If your donation contains sensory items, please also label it as 'sensory' or 'impaired vision'.
Gifts MUST be brand new and unopened. We know that previously loved second-hand presents are great but unfortunately we don't have the time to be able to check things are fully working, things don't have pieces missing, things are clean and safe etc. Sadly not everyone has the same standards when it comes to second-hand things and the last thing a child wants to receive on Christmas morning is something which is incomplete or faulty. Any items which we receive which are not brand new and unopened will not be able to be used for this appeal.
Presents MUST NOT be wrapped up in wrapping paper. Please just place your gifts inside the gift bag and do not wrap them up. We need to be able to check that the donations we receive are suitable for the age group specified and that they are in brand new condition. Including a roll of wrapping paper with your gift bag would be great! We are also happy to accept donations of individual gifts which we can use to make up additional gift bags. We sometimes add gifts to gift bags. We can not guarantee that the contents of a gift bag will all go to the same child, although this is often the case when we receive a complete gift bag. What would be inside a 'complete' gift bag, depends on the age group and the overall number of donations and applications we receive for that age group. Our priority is to distribute gifts fairly, so all gift bags are approximately equal in tends of contents.
When selecting what to include in your gift bag please think about the child you intend to receive your donation. Try to include a variety of items. For example a pair of pyjamas, a toy, some chocolate, a jigsaw, a story book, a doll, some Lego, pens and colouring book, a keyring, a game etc. Give what you can, we know that Christmas is a difficult time financially for many people so please be reassured that any gift, no matter how small, is appreciated. Every gift donated matters and every gift will go directly to a child in Fife for them to open on Christmas morning. The recipients of your donations will be children identified by local organisations / charities working directly with the children and families who will benefit. Sadly they will be children who otherwise may receive very little, if anything on Christmas morning. Shocking but true that such poverty and disadvantage is felt by children in Fife in 2024. Unfortunately this has only worsened due to the impact of Covid 19 and the cost of living crisis.
We are happy for our drop off points to post photos on our Facebook pages. We are also happy to see photos of people donating, as long as the contents of the gift bags cannot be seen in the photo. All posts to our Facebook pages need to be approved by us so they won't appear straightaway. Please try to post only good quality photos which are in focus and are well lit. We can't accept photos which show the contents of gift bags which are then able to be linked to the person posting, as this would mean recipients of the gifts may be able to identify who has donated the gifts to them, which we prefer to avoid.