All donations received go directly to children and families across Fife who have been identified by professionals as being in need of assistance at Christmas. The children benefiting from our Appeal have been identified as children who would otherwise receive very little, if anything, at Christmas.
Our strict application procedure ensures that we do not process duplicate applications and that we can make sure that we operate as fairly as possible, providing one gift bag per child. If we receive more than 1 application for the same child, all duplicates are able to be removed, due to the time and effort which we put in to this aspect of our work. THIS MAKES US UNIQUE FROM OTHER SIMILAR ORGANISATIONS.
Children who receive gifts from us are highly likely to be experiencing poverty and deprivation. Child poverty and deprivation in 2024 are sadly widespread, compounded by many wider issues. Some children may also be experiencing difficulties such as domestic abuse, neglect, and mental health issues. Some may also be acting as carers for their parents or siblings. Some may also have experienced parental substance abuse, relationship breakdown, bereavement/loss of one or both parents or removal from the family home. Some are care experienced young people. Job losses, price rises, Covid 19 related pressures and changes, as well as energy prices and the cost of living crisis, have increased the difficulties which many families encounter, especially at Christmas.
We do not accept applications directly from families. All applications need to be made via a professional.
We accept applications for children and young people from 0-18 years (i.e. up to their 19th birthday). We may accept applications for care experienced young people working with the Fife Council Young Peoples Team who are up to the age of 25 years.
Every penny of all cash donations is spent on gifts for children and young people.
Thanks to the generosity of the donating public, we have been able to provide gifts to children in Fife via many different organisations, including Fife Women's Aid, Fife Young Carers, Homestart, Barnardos, Fife Carers Centre, Social Services departments (Children & Families Teams, Kinship Teams, Young Peoples Team, Child Disability Team), primary schools, family centres and NHS Health Visitors, amongst others.
If you wish to discuss making an application for gifts from our Appeal, please drop us an email to